20 Dec 2017

Happy Holidays!

Okay, first of all my apologies for the lack of posts these last few weeks. It’s a busy time of year and the first thing I do when things get busy is set priorities. The Christmas holiday season is by far my most favorite time of the year. If you were to see my house right now you would understand! I’m not content to have one tree, or two. This year the house has five (yes five!) I told you it’s my favorite time of year.

Now I could speak to you about how you should keep things simple so as not to overwhelm yourself – but that wouldn’t be fair of me to do. (Besides, I’ll still be decorating when I’m 80 – may take me from Halloween to Thanksgiving to do it, but I love it so much!

What is important is to remember to celebrate the season as you move through it. Look at the shopping, baking and decorating as individual components – enjoy them. The Christmas holiday isn’t supposed to be about just one day – don’t stress yourself out and put huge expectations on that day. Take time to enjoy the traditions and most importantly your friends and family who are included along the way.

Use this time to reflect on all that you have achieved in the last year and what you want to strive for in the new year as you look to set new goals.

From our house to your’s, have a safe and joyful holiday – however you celebrate and with whoever you celebrate it with!

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