17 Jul 2017

Where there is a Problem you first must identify the Cause

In most instances a state of chaos arises out of something that has become overwhelming or out of control. More often than not, when I walk into a garage, office, or basement I can see the foundation of something that originally was organized – or the intention was for it to be organized. The catalyst for the chaos is usually as simple as clutter started collecting – the problem wasn’t acknowledged and identified and it simply grew. I’m usually called in because people have allowed something to progress to a state that they are overwhelmed – don’t know what to do and simply want to close the door and turn off the light.
When I first meet with a client, that session is spent with me listening to the client – I have them address the problem, share with me why I’ve been called and what they want to accomplish. Depending on the scope of the job we establish a timeline and set out to complete the task. We then set out to take on one thing at a time and work so that they see progress but we don’t rush to completion. If we are tackling a kitchen I’m looking for clues that answer where the issue really lies. How are things ending up there – what is the source. What system or process needs to be implemented, tweaked or eliminated to reach a workable solution?  It won’t be of any help to take the time and effort to clean something up if you aren’t also identifying the factors that led to the situation.

09 Jul 2017


Since an early age I’ve always been an organizer. There were the good-natured jabs from family and friends about being just a little too tidy. But let’s face it – it’s something that I am proud of and have found is a fortunate talent to possess. My goal with this blog is to share my knowledge and experience so that you too may benefit from being more organized – whether at home, the office, an association or organization you belong. Getting organized frees up time, energy and resources in your life. It’s not rocket science. It’s more about learning new behaviors and habits that allow you to be more productive and enjoy more that life has to offer – whether that is time with family or friends, going places you’ve dreamed of visiting or simply having some space in your day to relax, read or dare I say – enjoy a siesta!

My hope is that you will like what you learn and even share it with others. My mission is simple – I help restore order out of chaos. I encourage you to ask questions, if you have a tip or idea that you think others should know please let me know and I’ll be happy to share!